Sunday, May 4, 2014

It's Official - I'm Pathetic

Yes, I am officially pronouncing myself as a pathetic blogger - of course since there is absolutely no one following this thing anyway I guess it really doesn't matter.  I actually enjoy posting stuff about what I do, and I think it could be helpful to someone wanting to become a professional truck driver, but the main reason I even started this was to inform my family of my whereabouts and my goings on, which now seems kind of unnecessary since I talk to my wife every day on the phone.  Then there is also the fact that I left my last post almost 5 months ago saying I would tell how I ended up in California tomorrow, and here it is almost five months later and I don't even remember how I got over there anymore.  Also after looking at my blog today I realize that I didn't even understand that if I removed a photo from my photo bucket account it would also remove it from my blog!  I'm so lame at this techie stuff - now I've got photos that have been deleted from the blog pages.  There are probably ten thousand other reasons I can be declared pathetic, but I'm thinking I may just persevere anyway and see what becomes of this officially pathetic blog.

Recently Sarah (my second daughter) took her vacation time from work to ride along with me, and we had a great time together.  I tried to document it on a web-site that I do some work on for new truck drivers coming in to the industry, but there again I fell behind and had to catch it up after skipping out on them a few days.  I'm going to copy and paste it here for others to read about it, and realize it may not be as personal as if I were just blogging about it here because it was done in a different environment originally.  Also I will follow up that post with another copied and pasted post from Trucking Truth about where I'm at this weekend.

I'm saying all this to say that I'm going to try and give this one more shot and see how it goes.  I really do enjoy putting my thoughts down here for you to read, but I find that my time to do it is not always convenient.  This job is very demanding as far as time goes and you have to sleep at all different times of the day to make your schedule work out in the most efficient way, so it's not always conducive to blogging.  But since the main thing that doing this accomplishes for me is the cathartic effect of writing out my thoughts, I will try it again, even if it is a completely selfish reason for doing so.


  1. Pathetic? Hardly! From where did your literary background arise? I forgot to ask after your Milton entry; as far as your writing goes, I'm finding your blog way more interesting than Brett's book... he gives out a ton of great information, tips, advice, what to do & not to do, but your writing is on a whole 'nother level. And I really do like the philosophical nature of your writing; your stress on family, planning ahead, finding solutions, working hard, and loving your job.

    The reasons you give for writing mirror mine in keeping a blog while I'm driving; I wrote one after we moved to Ecuador (it's no longer up, it was tied into our web page account for our café... I downsized the account when we sold our café, which deleted the blog), but I am doing the same for my friends & family to follow me on my new adventure/career. Which of course doesn't include any trucking info yet.

  2. Hey Pete, Brett has been encouraging me to actually write a book. I don't know if I will or not, but it is certainly possible that I would one day. I enjoy sharing with others the way to succeed in this career, and that is one way I can do that.
