Saturday, September 7, 2024

Finally - My Book Is Available!

After much work, I have finished my first book about the trucking career. I worked hard on it, and had a lot of help from people who were beta readers and editors.  In the end I still wasn't satisfied with it. I took a rest from it for almost a year. I didn't look at it or hardly even thought about it during that break. Then I went back and read it through, making careful notes about parts of it that just didn't seem right. Maybe they seemed hurried, or just didn't seem to flow right, or feel right, as I was reading it. I made changes and I can say that I am happy with the whole project now. I did not resort to using AI while writing this book. It is all hammered out using my own thoughts.

I am sure there is room for improvement, but I finally decided that it would never get published if I waited until I thought it was perfect. Writing is tough for me. I want to make sure the material is interesting, informative, and compelling. I want to be helpful. I want to teach things in a way that people understand and enjoy learning. That is a tall order! Sometimes it is easy to think we are clear and entertaining. We tend to think our own work is good and pleasant. That is not true when writing. What appeals to some may not be so appealing to another.

I want to thank my beta readers for their great suggestions. Also, my editor was extremely helpful with so many things. I can never thank my wife enough for her willingness to let me wander all across this great country doing what I do. She prefers being at home, and probably prefers me being there too. Her forbearance is invaluable in our relationship.

The process is over for now. As of now the book is available as an e-book at the Kindle Store on Amazon. I will soon have a print copy available, but am not sure when that will be finalized. For now, if anyone is interested, you can find it by clicking this link. Happy reading!

Hit The Road